Case Studies
Learn about developments in different industries with our case studies

Latest Trends in Prosthetics
Total maxillary rehabilitation with a Toronto Bridge using digital technologies

Technology Supports History
Using EGS technology, the University of Bologna carried out a survey of the Colonna dei Francesi, a historical monument.

A New Tool in the Hands of Dieticians
Marco Tesini is a doctor graduated in Food Science and specialized in Medical Informatics in the nutrition field. Thanks to the solution suggested by EGS, Dr. Marco Tesini improved his work and made it more precise and reliable.

Latest Trends in Sport Equipment Realization
A third industrial revolution is under way. Manufacturing is going digital and will transform the way goods are made.

EGS Technology in large buildings 3D model generation
EGS technology represents the foundations for the development of high-end, sickness powerful acquiring software used in architecture and urban management.